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  • Ellagic acid is a polyphenolic compound found in a variety of fruits and nuts, such as raspberries, grapes, strawberries, pomegranates, and walnuts. Studies have shown that it has antiproliferative and apoptotic effects on certain cancer cell lines. Like other polyphenolic phytochemicals, ellagic ac
  • Ellagic acid ​is also known as tadel acid and Huzi acid. Ellagic acid compounds mainly exist in various fruits, such as Israeli pomegranate, Maska grapes in small U ingredients, and Canadian wild blueberries and other trees. Berry, BlackBerry and other fruits.
  • Tannic acid is one of the popular antioxidants. In addition to antioxidant effects, it also has a certain anti -cancer effect. In recent years, it can be seen in many skin care products.In fact, among many fruits, it also contains this ingredient.
  • Ellagic acid​,The main role of Pomegranate ellagic acid in cosmetics and skin care products is antioxidant and astringent. It has the properties of phenol and carboxylic acid.
  • Ellagic acid is known as the new whitening nobility. It is extracted from red pomegranate. Its skin lightening effect is 5 times that of ordinary ellagic acid. It is a physiological, natural and non-toxic acid with good water solubility, smaller molecules, and It quickly penetrates into the muscle bottom and inhibits the production of melanin.

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