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The benefits of epitalon

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-24      Origin: Site

Since epitalon cells stimulate the pineal gland, many benefits are related to the function of the pineal gland. The pineal gland produces melatonin, which is responsible for regulating the body's biological clock. This is why many Epithalon users report a great improvement in sleep quality. It is also related to reproductive function, which can be rejuvenated by using epithelial cell therapy.

1) Extend human lifespan by extending telomeres in human cells.The benefits of Epitalonl-ZHENYIBIO

2) Promote deep sleep.

3) Delay and prevent age-related diseases, such as cancer, heart, vascular disease, and dementia.

4) As an antioxidant, it normalizes T cell function by reducing lipid oxidation and ROS.

5) Improve health and skin view.

6) Repair damaged and weak muscle cells.

7) To restore the melatonin level of the elderly with impaired epiphyseal function to normal.

8) It can also increase resistance to emotional stress.

Due to Epitalon's effect on telomerase, its benefits are unique and far-reaching, including:

Extend lifespan by extending telomeres in human cells;

Promote deep sleep;

Delay and prevent age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease and dementia;

Acts as an antioxidant by reducing lipid oxidation and ROS (reactive oxygen species) and normalizing T cell function;

Improve skin health and appearance;

Heals injured and deteriorated muscle cells;

Restore and normalize melatonin levels in people who have lost some pineal functions due to aging;

Can increase resistance to emotional stress

1) Retinitis PigmentosaEpithalon Bodybuilding Peptide Powder-ZHENYIBIO

Retinitis pigmentosa is a hereditary, degenerative eye disease that causes the rod cells in the retina to degenerate. Rod cells are one of two receptors in the eye (the other is cone cells), which convert light into chemical signals that can be processed by the brain. In a clinical trial, Epitalon improved retinal degenerative damage caused by this condition in 90% of patients. In rats, Epitalon improves the function of retinal cells by maintaining its structure and preventing degeneration. A study using humans and rats cannot be considered sufficient evidence to support this potential use of Epitalon. Further clinical studies are needed to confirm these preliminary findings.

2) Correct the circadian rhythm

As we age, our circadian rhythms are disrupted and become less pronounced, which is consistent with decreased melatonin secretion and changes in sleep cycles. In a small trial of 14 elderly people, epithelial acetaminophen improved The production of melatonin is changed and its cycle and peak concentration are changed to make it similar to young people. In aging monkeys, Epitalon stimulates the secretion of nocturnal melatonin and rebuilds the circadian rhythm, which is related to cortisol release. Similarly, only one small clinical trial and one animal study have tested this potential health benefit. Larger and more robust clinical trials are needed.

3) Extend your life

When the peptide is given to fruit flies in the larval stage, its average lifespan increases by 11-16%. In a study of rats exposed to equal amounts of light and shade, different shades, or permanent light, Epitalon extended the maximum life span of all three groups by 68 days, 95 days, and 24 days, respectively, compared to control. In In mice with hypertension, the injection of Epitalon did not affect the average life span of the mice, but it did increase the maximum life span by 12.3%. Cell-based studies have found that Epitalon increases telomerase activity. This enzyme adds more nucleotides to the protective sequence at the ends of the chromosomes (telomeres), allowing cells to divide and grow longer.

4) Increase enzyme activity

The pancreatic enzymes have been shown to decrease in the elderly. In young and old rats, Epitalon increases the activity of enzymes that digest protein and sugar, and the effect is more pronounced in old rats. Another study found that the peptide increased the enzyme activity in the small intestine of aged rats.

5) Cancer

When Epitalon was administered to rats with colon cancer, the peptide increased lymph flow (including white blood cells) and apoptosis (programmed cell death), while slowing the growth of cancer.

In mice with breast tumors, Epitalon significantly reduced the number of mice with multiple tumors and reduced the maximum tumor size compared to control mice. The researchers also found that the peptide reduced the expression of certain genes that, when overactivated, play a key role in the development of breast cancer in mice and humans.

Another study on mice found that in all treated mice, Epitalon treatment reduced the number of mice with malignant tumors (cancerous tumors) and prevented cancer metastasis (metastasis to another location in the body) . In contrast, metastasis was observed in 3 out of 9 mice that did not receive Epitalon treatment.

6) Antioxidant status

When the body lacks antioxidants to counteract the effects of free radicals (destructive molecules that lack electrons), oxidative stress occurs, which can lead to many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. One of the most effective antioxidants produced by the human body (endogenous antioxidants) is melatonin. Epitalon's antioxidant effect is believed to be partly due to its ability to stimulate the production of melatonin and through mechanisms other than the action of melatonin.